Our Wellness Garden, Playing Field and Expanding Parking Lot construction project has begun!
We are excited for this final expansion of our For the Children’s Sake Capital Campaign
Over the past few years, we purchased two parcels of land adjacent to our property. We are now prepared to complete our capital expansion. It will feature a beautiful Wellness Garden and a Playing Field for our children to enjoy. It will also include an expanded parking lot.
The Wellness Garden will provide a mental health retreat for staff and clients. With the secondary traumatic stress that occurs from hearing stories of abuse every day and working intensely with children experiencing multi-symptomatic trauma, an outdoor nature and wellness space will bring great benefits to the health and emotional wellness of our staff and help children with their healing. The Wellness Garden will incorporate the five senses to create an environment that nourishes, relaxes, refreshes, and provides a retreat for self-care. Features of the Garden will be a cedar archway entrance to serve as a threshold as one enters the park, a healing circle for meditation and breathing, water feature for sound and soothing, a hands-on herb garden for growth, smell and taste, and flowering and aromatic plants for smell, flagstone sitting walls and retaining wall for relaxation, and a cedar pergola to provide shade and a space for yoga exercise. Plants and turf will be low maintenance for minimal upkeep.
A Playing Field adjacent to the Garden will provide an open area to engage children in exercise, group activities and sports. This section will intentionally be kept clear of landscaping and other elements so that children can play games, sports, and exercise for their physical and mental health. The entire park will be gated and surrounded by 8’ fencing for security and privacy.
Naming opportunities for benches, pavers, planters, a pavilion, and more are currently available.
Please contact Lisa Moore Lmoore@cafb.org for more information.