Annual Volunteer Banquet - Child Advocates of Fort Bend
Annual Volunteer Banquet

2024 Volunteer Celebration

Each February, Child Advocates of Fort Bend celebrates its incredible volunteers with a beautiful dinner and tribute. Volunteers are recognized with special awards including CASA Volunteer of the Year, CAC Volunteer of the Year, Event Volunteer of the Year, Lifetime Achievement Award and many others. The capstone of the evening is the Child Advocates of Fort Bend’s Volunteer of the Year. All volunteers are recognized for their hours and years of service.


In 2024, we honored the following volunteers for their service in 2023:

David Lanagan
Child Advocate of the Year

Lynne Spiwak
Unsung Hero

Susan Krause
Helping Heart

Susan Greer
Mariel Barrera Champion for Children

Julia Jagnanan
CASA Volunteer of the Year

Jackie Kilpatrick
CASA Rookie of the Year

Charlie Holden
Children’s Advocacy Center Volunteer of the Year

Kathy Roos
Children’s Advocacy Center Rookie of the Year

Aguirre & Fields
Development Volunteer of the Year

Elizabeth Barrow
Outreach Volunteer of the Year

Johnson Development
Community Volunteer of the Year