“Often times, I don’t think our volunteers give themselves enough credit for the impact they make in the lives of children,” stated Metoyer Martin, CASA Program Director. “We don’t always get to see the immediate results of the CASA’s work as it takes some time for things to fall into place and settle.”
Fifteen years ago, a four year old boy met his CASA Volunteer, Louise Ramsey. He and his female cousin had been abandoned by their parents. Louise served as his CASA until his case closed when the young boy was only six.
Martin received a call recently from Connie Ricketts, Executive Director of the CASA Program in Galveston. Ricketts had been approached at an event by a young lady who was raving about her family’s experience with CASA. This was the same young woman who, along with her cousin, had been abandoned by their parents fifteen years earlier. She was not appointed a CASA volunteer but her cousin was. She asked Ricketts to pass her phone number to Child Advocates of Fort Bend in the hope of connecting her cousin to his CASA volunteer.
He and his family attribute his success and happiness to his CASA volunteer and the role that she played in the family’s life year’s earlier. The young woman told Ricketts that her cousin wanted to contact his CASA volunteer when he graduated from high school because he felt that she was one of the reasons that he had stability is his life and was able to achieve his goal of graduating from high school and going to college. We were able to make that happen! After 15 years, his CASA volunteer Louise Ramsey is still serving children through Child Advocates of Fort Bend. Louise is a phenomenal advocate. She is looking forward to reuniting with the family.